“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”
~ Jeremiah 29:13 ~

We praise God for everything He did through the last Changed Women's Retreat, and we thank Him for all He’ll continue to do in the lives of the women who attended. Once again, we were blown away by the vulnerability, the humility in the brokenness, and the willingness to surrender it all to Jesus. We know our wholehearted pursuit of God never returns void, and our faith grew as we watched Him move mountains.
We witnessed women who were hurting invite Jesus in and allow Him to break the chains that had weighed them down for years, some even decades. We heard women proclaim victory over spirits of fear, anxiety, defeat, discouragement, depression, and addiction. We saw women find freedom when they let go of their anger and gave forgiveness to those who hurt them. We celebrated with women who finally saw themselves as Christ sees them - beautiful, worthy, pursued, irreplaceable.
For those who came, thank you for unveiling your beauty through your willingness to be transparent and honest before God. For those who couldn’t join us this time, we hope to see you at the next one and pray blessings over you as God prepares you to attend the exact retreat He wants you to attend, all in His perfect timing.
Keep seeking Him, and you will find Him.
In His love,
Rachel Feuerborn
Changed Women's Ministry