"And why worry about your clothing? Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don't work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why
do you have so little faith?"
~ Matthew 6:28-30 ~
Three years ago, my husband Trey felt called into full-time ministry. We already ate, slept, and breathed True North Ministries because it had changed our marriage and brought us so much healing. But for him to step into it full-time meant a 90 percent pay cut, and I was scared to death. I was so afraid, it would bring me to tears when anyone brought it up.
One day, I felt God telling me to lay down my insecurities, follow my husband’s leadership, and trust in His provision. So I surrendered. I was finally able to let go of the fear and feel at peace about it. But a few months later, fear crept in again.

I remember going into my closet and pulling out a pair of black boots. Those boots were tattered, and they’d seen better days. I immediately thought, “We don’t have enough money for me to get a new pair of black boots.” As I stood there, it quickly went from “We don’t have enough money for new boots,” to “We won’t have enough money to retire,” to “We’re going to end up living in a cardboard box.”
These agreements started to take hold. But then I said, “No!” I spoke out loud and said, “Lord, I know you’ve called us into this ministry, and I know that if you want to supply me with new shoes, you’ll give me new shoes. If you want to supply us with retirement, then you will. I know that you will take care of us in the small ways and in the big ways. In your name, Jesus, I say that I trust you will care for us in all things.”
Within the hour, I got a text from a friend asking what size shoe I wear. She had another friend who was moving across the country and wanted to give away some things. So she said she had shoes for me. In amazement, I asked for a picture of the shoes. She said, “I can’t send you a picture because there are 50 pairs.”
I started crying because God had answered my prayer. It wasn’t about the shoes. It had nothing to do with the shoes and everything to do with His provision.
When I told Trey what had happened, he said, “Wow. In our way, we could have gotten you new shoes. But in God’s way, He supplied you with 50. His ways are always better than our ways. And His provision is always better than anything I could provide.” And he was right. God heard my cry and knew that I needed reassurance that He was always going to provide for me. Even down to a simple pair of black boots.
God promises to provide everything we need. And He delights in giving us, His children, much more than we could ever need.
Dear Father,
Thank you so much for your unending love and pursuit. Thank you for being my strength, my leader, and my provider. Father, thank you for caring about all the details in my life: the big ones, the small ones, all of it. I love that my heavenly daddy sees me, hears me, and answers me. Thank you, Father, in your most precious name I pray. Amen.
In His love,
Amy Dixon
Changed Women’s Ministry