“For we are God’s masterpiece, He has created us in Christ Jesus so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” - Ephesians 2:10
I’ve written God’s truth on my arm. I have a tattoo that says “Masterpiece” with “Ephesians 2:10” underneath it. It took me several years to accept that the words in that verse are true for me, and once I did, I never wanted to forget.
But that verse wasn’t written just for me. It is God’s truth for every woman.
Our identity is not in our clothing size, hair color, or relationship status. It’s not in the lies the enemy flings at us or in what the world tells us about ourselves. Our identity rests in Christ alone.
When we complain about how we see ourselves or the way we look, we’re challenging what God says about us. We’re dishonoring our Creator and telling Him, “Your masterpiece is flawed.”

But it’s not true. God knew exactly what He was doing when He created us. He took time to painstakingly create every perfect detail for the exact purpose He has planned for us. We look the way we look and are the way we are because God wanted to use our uniqueness for His glory.
It wrecked me to realize how it must break His heart when we compare ourselves to others because it breaks my heart when women I talk to don’t think they’re enough just because they don’t match Hollywood’s or culture’s unrealistic standards.
But we have to understand, He sees each of us as a uniquely and perfectly made Masterpiece. And a Masterpiece can’t be replicated or duplicated. It’s one of a kind.
So we have to quit comparing. Quit challenging what God says about us. Quit believing the lies of the enemy. Quit believing what people of the world tell us, and remember what is true. Remember what God says about us in His Word.
At the Changed Women’s Retreat, we stand together against the lies that oppose what God says about our identity and replace the lies with Biblical truth. We write the truth on our hearts, some even write it on their arms. And we learn to proclaim with confidence that we are God’s Masterpiece.
In His Love,
Mikal Denny