When I attended my first Changed Women’s Retreat, I went mostly to appease my daughter and daughter-in-law who had been to an earlier retreat and were begging me to go. I didn’t plan on letting my guard down.

I was old and seasoned. I had a lot of answers, and I really didn’t need to be changed. But I was in for an awakening. For the first time in many years – 45 years to be exact – I experienced God’s presence on a level I hadn’t seen before. I experienced God’s awe and wonder. I experienced the Holy Spirit in a way that I had previously decided was just youthful fantasy. I was changed, to say the least.
I thought I'd learned all God had to show me at the first retreat, but wanting to be obedient and looking forward to just sitting in His glory for a whole weekend, I returned for my second Changed retreat.
God revealed another lie I had been believing. Yes, I was changed, but I thought it would be a private change only for me and my family because I was too tainted to go into ministry. With the past I had, I didn’t believe I was a good voice for God. I didn’t even know I’d been carrying that around, but God gave me a gift by revealing that. I now know that through my prayers, I have mighty powers for healing and restoration, and I’ve been blessed to see countless modern day miracles.